3 thoughts on “A potential route

  1. I love your route! Are you planning on renting a car to make this happen? If you are not, I would caution you on trying to travel so far in such a short amount of time. It's not impossible, but you may find that you spend entire days just on the road.

    Mark and I had similar travel plans when we were in Armenia but had to quickly adjust because traveling around Armenia without a rented car was not as easy as we'd hoped.

    Anyway, the adventure sounds awesome!


  2. Hey Karen! Yeah, I think this route is probably a bit over ambitious for the short amount of time I'll have. But it's nice to dream…

    One way or another, it will be an adventure! 🙂


  3. It's totally nice to dream! You'll have an awesome time whatever you plan to do 🙂 I love that area of the world!


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